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Dan, Dan The Vanguard Man: Buy at the Worst, Sell at the Best

FYI: After a decade fraught with manager turnover and miscues, it appears that, in at least one respect, Vanguard Capital Value Fund (MUTF:VCVLX[1]) is on a steady course.


  • Peter Higgins, in particular, is an eclectic investor with nerves of steel who is willing to tread where others fear in search of values. Sometimes that works wonders.

    Good stuff from Dan...hard to find information he can provide on Vanguard Funds...
  • I'm sorry but I don't get the point of this article. One can write a story about how fund has performed over time as managers have changed for any fund. It gives me no investing insight into Vanguard Capital Value or in deciding to buy any other fund.
  • Vintage: So you don't understand the value of Manager reviews and information in your Mutual Funding purchasing buying and selling?

    What purchasing/Selling information do you use?....I'm interested, I could guess....
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