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Obama Drops Plan To Raise Taxes On ‘529’ College Savings Accounts


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  • >> Who wants to put money in, when risk of taxing the plan is threaten time and time again?

    I do.

    Time and again: have there been prior?

    It's dead anyway, but largely or at least partly because misunderstood. Taxing was only at withdrawal, I believe, and on the beneficiary, meaning lowest rate. Not on you. Finally, only going forward, nothing current. But ain't gonna happen now, no worries.

    Seriously doubt Roth gains post-conversion would get taxed again. But that ain't gonna happen now either. Debt is in reasonable shape anyway.
  • edited January 2015
    Correct me if wrong, but I think the wealthy have more to lose if the Roth is scuttled. They're a great way to protect existing wealth. Not everyone can afford to pay taxes up front.

    So, am inclined to think they won't be killed off anytime soon - given the nature of the political dynamics in this country. Could be wrong here.

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