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One Third Of Dow 30 Within 10% Of A 52-Week Lows

FYI: With what can only be described as a bad earnings report today, shares of Caterpillar (CAT) traded down over 7% today and in the process hit a 52-week low. While CAT is the only Dow 30 stock hitting a 52-week low today, one third of the stocks in the index are currently within 10% of making a new one-year low. Stocks that are closest to that threshold include IBM, McDonald's (MCD), Verizon (VZ), AT&T (T), and General Electric (GE).
While a third of the stocks in the DJIA are closing in on 52-week lows, the vast majority are still trading near their respective 52-week highs. As shown in the table below, 18 of the remaining 20 stocks in the index are still less than 10% below their 52-week highs. Names that are currently the closest to their individual 52-week highs include Home Depot (HD), Merck (MRK), Travelers (TRV), and Pfizer (PFE).


  • edited January 2015
    12 Year Lows in Commodities
    The Bloomberg Commodity Index of 22 components reached a 12-year low this week, with crude oil, hogs and copper leading losses in 2015.
    The Bloomberg Commodity Index fell 2.9 percent this month to 101.32 on Jan. 27(today). The gauge touched 99.91 a day earlier, the lowest since August 2002.

    Goldman Sachs Group Inc. downgraded its three-month commodity outlook to underweight as mounting global supply gluts sent energy and metals prices tumbling this year.
    Inventories of grains, metals and energy are rising after a decade-long bull market for commodities spurred miners, drillers and farmers to increase production. Falling oil prices are threatening to prolong the rout as they make it cheaper to produce more, worsening the oversupply that triggered the slump.
    Energy lower tonight.
    WTI crude oil prices continued to decline, last week to an average $46.62 per barrel (-51.6% y/y) in the week ended January 23. Yesterday, prices declined further to $45.15 per barrel. These levels compare to a June peak of $107.95.
    Natural gas prices declined to $2.94 (-41.1% y/y) per mmbtu during the week ended January 23 and held at $2.93 yesterday.
  • And wouldn't you know it I hold positions in two of the ten. I'm going to have to get TampaBay's wife to teach me about this stock investing business.
  • Shopping time! If you bought at higher prices for some reason?, why not buy at lower prices?
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