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Chuck Jaffe: How Betting On The Super Bowl Is Similar To Buying Mutual Funds

FYI: Super Bowls have a history of being boring games, but interesting propositions.
The proposition betting each year is some of the best entertainment surrounding the game and this year is no exception, whether you’re wagering on who wins the coin toss, how long it takes Idina Menzel to sing the national anthem (over/under of 2:01), or who scores the first touchdown, the color of Katy Perry’s hair and whether there is a wardrobe malfunction during the halftime show (22-1), through Most Valuable Player honors and up to, of course, how many points are scored and who wins the game.
In much the same way, mutual funds have an even longer history of being mostly boring investments, surrounded by interesting propositions.
You might not imagine fund investing is much like wagering on what color hoodie Bill Belichick wears during the big game, but it’s more similar than you think.
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