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Don't Part With Preferred Stocks

edited January 2015 in Fund Discussions
FYI: don’t expect interest rates to move much before mid to late summer. When bond yields do bounce, you’ll barely notice. Yields on short-term debt might climb a quarter of a percentage point. Rates for long-term Treasury and corporate bonds and mortgage securities might work their way up by a half-point. For income investors, that is a benign outlook.

RBS Preferreds:


  • @Ted FMI, re. RBS prfds:
    "non-cumul dollar preference share"--- what exactly does that mean?
  • @heezsafe: It means that the shares are not cumulative, meaning that in the event of a missed payment, the company does not have to pay the balance of missed dividends to preferred shareholders before resuming a common dividend.
  • @Ted Thanks. The half that I thought I had right I had entirely wrong. But at least my instincts are working, which tell me I should not invest in prfds until I'm confident I have advanced a bit beyond functional idiocy. Obviously, still have a ways to go.
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