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Dan Wiener: 5 Vanguard Funds No One Needs To Own

FYI: Vanguard won’t just come out and tell you that any of its funds aren’t top-notch. No fund company will — not when their goal is to sell you their products.

But I will.
I still think Vanguard is the best fund family around, but even the best isn’t perfect. Some of Vanguard’s funds are nurtured by expert managers and grow to be profit-building stars, but others are misguided, whether by poor managers or a fundamentally flawed investment strategy. These funds can doom your portfolio to mediocrity — or worse, major losses. And worst of all: Most investors don’t realize these funds are subpar


  • edited January 2015
    That was a few easy ones could dig a little deeper for these fine folks
    I don't know if anyone handicaps horse races, but the first thing is throw out the horses that can't win.....then play the best.....same applies to Fund Companies
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