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State of The Markets.. The Word is Uncertainty.


  • Tomorrow is "uncertain"
  • This pertains to more than just tomorrow.
  • It was ever thus.
  • ...To suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune...
  • edited January 2015
    Anyhow, Asia's markets are up tonight, coming up on noon over there, on Thursday in east Asia. Except Nikkei, down just a bit.... I'm keeping an eye out for just a bit longer, before turning in....
  • That's a real head-scratcher.:)
  • oh, come on, guys, you know deep-down that uncertainty is a good thing, it will once again make honest dudes of us and compel some "game tightening" before the Big Wave. You don't seriously opine for a return to the insufferable boredom that was August? Be brave, and let's get ready!:)
  • edited January 2015
    When are things ever certain? If they are, that's perhaps when you sell. I don't know about the whole "Wall of Worry" business (more like "climb the wall of easy monetary policy"), but I do think the "QE tide lifts all boats" business of the last several years is bad for psychology - the market pulls back 3% and people act like, "Wait, that's not supposed to happen."

    If "normal" returns there will be more volatility, things will go down when they don't do well. You have to then really filter things down to what you consider are your best ideas.
  • Agree with Tampabay. To talk about "uncertainty" in the markets is pure stupidity. When have the markets ever been "certain"?
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