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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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  • 11) How much money I make...even the IRS is not 100% sure...
  • edited January 2015
    Even healthy people over the age of 65 show “profound declines in cognitive function” that affect their financial decision-making ...

    Maybe all posts here should have poster's age prominently displayed? (Like those EPA window stickers?)

    (I think it would be fun writing for Marketwatch. Begin with a shred of evidence ... than let your imagination run. Very compelling writing - if greatly exaggerated and distorted.)

  • edited January 2015
    Hi @hank

    Good one, hank.
    Perhaps all posts, articles and verbal dispatches by anyone involved with investment suggestions (advice) should have to display a certificate from an accredited organization as to their competence at any and all levels to disseminate information related to investing.:)
    Best of luck with the monies.
  • edited January 2015
    @catch. Yep.

    Here's some Bio on the author Priya Anand from Likiden. Nothing in her background relating to financial training or experience.

    Here's The Newsroom Roster from MarketWatch. Most seem to have only Liberal Arts and Journalism backgrounds.

    To be fair, perhaps 25% (being generous) have degrees in Finance, Economics or some other type of financial experience. (Some intriguing descriptions: "mutual funds analyst" and "broker-trader")

  • @hank

    Heck, we are "mutual fund analysist" here; are we not?:)
  • edited January 2015
    Good one Catch! I still like that big EPA-like number at the top of posts.:)

    BTW - Age does play a role. Mainly, as I see it, in shortening one's time-horizon and altering their risk profile. And, in some cases, one needs to be aware of diminished mental faculties.

    For the life of me ... I haven't found advice here from those in their 60s, 70s or 80s to be any less valuable and insightful than the advice rendered by the younger "beach-going" set.

    FWIW: Have a nice Columbus Day.
  • edited January 2015
    Personal Experience is the BEST advice you can get:
    "a certificate from an accredited organization" : means nothing,
    Most writes, authors, educators have no personal experiences to share their knowledge about, they read something in a book, dreamed some "ideal" situation they would like to share with their readers (mostly sheep).....
    Learn from those that have been successful..... then you are on the right track

    I'm going to Sonnys for Ribs & Chicken & draft.....Happy Holiday
  • @Tampabay

    You noted: ""a certificate from an accredited organization" : means nothing,"

    We're being a bit of the "tongue in cheek" here, with comments.
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