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Barron’s Roundtable: Masters Of The Game


  • edited January 2015
    Good article. Continues to be a great mix of people with very different viewpoints and some great insights.

    That said:

    I learned that Mario Gabelli is a "Man of the People" who fills up his own gas tank thank you very much and who thinks all of those "city folk" are too high and mighty to fill up their own car.

    Mario Gabelli trying to act like he's common folk since he fills up his own car (which I doubt) is the funniest thing I've heard all year. The year has barely started, but somehow I doubt anything will top that.


    This: "Schafer: You spend a lot of time at gas stations. How many cars do you have, Mario?"


    Another favorite:

    Gabelli: Oh, stop. Who runs the Social Security lockbox in the U.S.?

    Gross: There is nothing in the lockbox.
  • edited January 2015
    A+ for Ted. Some big shoes here.

    Cohen's the bright-eyed optimist.
    Faber, forever the bear.
    Rogers, cautious and circumspect as usual.
    Gross? Would you buy a used car from this man?

    Borrowing a line from "Inherrit the Wind" ... Gabelli's the only person I know who can strut sitting down.:)

    Thanks Ted
  • Anything of substance here instead of bs?
  • edited January 2015
    ron: What are you looking for? I guess bs is the word. Some pretty intelligent financial people discussing a variety of issues.

    The fact that the views are so diverse (ranging from doom & gloom to optimism) would make it unlikely you'll take away anything "investable".

    I enjoyed the give & take. Maybe not your cup of tea?

    bs? (long as we're on the topic) - Probably a tie between Gross & Gabelli on that basis. I give Gabelli a slight edge, as his bs comes across in a more likable way. Hard to dislike a fella who pumps his own gas and "hob-nobs" with the little folk while doing so...... While Gross doesn't hide his disdain for PIMCO very well.
    substance? - If I recall correctly, Goldman Sachs, who Cohen works for, is expecting about 3-4% growth in the S&P this year plus dividends. Abby (as usual) thinks that's on the conservative side. The others sounded a bit more muted. Except for Gabelli (who seems to reside on a different planet than the others).

    And, I think they all agreed that it's "a stock picker's market." But, hell ... that just sounds like more bs. :)

  • What would be a "Non-Stock pickers market"...just wondering?
  • "What would be a "Non-Stock pickers market"

    My take, that is when everybody and their dog are in the market. The old adage about taxi drivers is a reminder
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