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Chuck Jaffe: The Best And Worst Fund You’ve Never Heard Of: BIRMX

edited January 2015 in The Bullpen
FYI: It was the best of funds, it was the worst of funds. It was a fund that operated in an age of wisdom, and one of foolishness, and that spawned investor belief and incredulity.

With all due respect to Charles Dickens and “A Tale of Two Cities,” the Birmiwal Oasis fund is nothing to wax poetic about. It was one that routinely brought industry observers to wonder if they were seeing a spring of hope or a winter of despair.

With the news that Birmiwal Oasis Fund BIRMX, +0.00% will liquidate at the end of this month, one of the most unusual track records in mutual fund history will disappear. Usually, I wait until the end of the year to eulogize funds that shut down, but Birmiwal — because of the lessons it leaves behind — is a worthy exception. (Go here to see my take on funds that died in 2014.)

M* BIRNX Performance:
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