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MFO, Per Dee Lee, lets one know, "when to sell those funds"

edited January 2015 in Fund Discussions
Morning Coffee,

Per Ms. Dee Lee, from the article related to MFO: "Also utilize the Mutual Fund Observer newsletter for research on funds. They don’t tell you when to buy mutual funds but when to sell a mutual fund.

If only it was this simple, eh? Buy whatever one wants and wait for MFO to indicate a sell signal.

Me thinks she does not grasp the intention(s) of the MFO site.

The full article containing other comments related to investing, is just below
WBZ, Dee Lee article

Take care,


  • From the article; "One more thing: A bit of history. The last major recession was 1973-1974."

    I wonder if she has been sleeping under a rock lately? The comment about MFO is also head shaking.
  • We appear to be a sort of standard line tacked on to the end of a number of her stories, including one this week about the importance of knowing what a "benchmark" is. I mostly nod and think "well, she is spelling our name right."

  • Hi @JohnChisum and @David_Snowball

    John, I wondered the same. Her bio indicates she is trained in things regarding money.

    David, if this continues; you will be offered large sums of money to move to NYC or some other center of finance, to write columns about monetary thinking.

    Take care to both,
  • catch, nowadays - Unless he wants to be on Sunday talk shows, he can write from home.
  • Is Dee a he or a she?
  • @Anna

    Yes. And I would want to remain in the wonderful community where David now resides.
  • Thanks catch22.
  • :"Dee Lee is a Certified Financial Planner who received a diploma in Financial Planning from Boston University and her MBA from Simmons College. She dissolved her successful financial planning practice for individuals so that she could devote all of her energies to educating the financial consumer. ."

    Scary Stuff: How to educate the financial consumer? Really. IF EVER there was a blackeye for these types of "EGGHEADS" getting into the Financial business....She is it
    She dissolved her Business because she wasn't making any money or had any clients left
    so She went into the business of writing books/articles, and Teaching.......
    "How you too can be a failure"
    NEVER was the saying: "if you can't do...teach" more applicable

    Her education didn't help.... her financial expertise is already determined:

  • At this rate, I'm afraid she won't be using MFO as a reference on her write-ups much longer.
  • @ MFO Members: If Dee Lee were worth reading the Linkster would have dicovered her long ago.
  • @Ted- hard to argue with you on that one!
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