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Matthews Asia Dividend Strategy.

Earlier I received the Q4 and year end commentary for MAPIX. This fund underwent some scrutiny late last year when it announced no dividend. Due to lack of communications, I decided to sell this fund just several days ago.

I was interested to hear why the dividend was not delivered in this commentary. In fact, this was an audio commentary with one of the managers, Yu Zhang. There was no mention of the lack of dividend but there was talk of how important the dividend strategy was to shareholders. Another point clearly made was that total return was a priority for this fund.

I have included the link below. It will ask for name, email, and company and like a lot of these info grabbers I use Noneed Toknow, [email protected] and etc. It is about a ten minute audio file.


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  • @John, I agree with you that the manager failed to be more fourth-coming (i.e. honest) in their annual report that their bets on Chinese REITs went terrible wrong. Another poor performing year the asset will start going south.
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