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In this Discussion

  • ron January 2015
  • rono January 2015
Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Dr. Doom (Marc Faber): Gold Will Raly 30% In 2015

FYI: Gold has absorbed its fair share of the commodities-market blows in recent years, but now is the time to move back into the precious metal, according to superbear Marc Faber.


  • Hasn't he always been saying that? Someday he may be right. I just always hold some gold, like my insurance policy.
  • Howdy,

    I'd be careful speculating - at least until there is some upside movement. If he's correct and it rallies 30%, there will be plenty of time to climb aboard.

    That said, like Ron [nice name, what], I'm not talking about a core pm investment, but speculation. I'm still of the camp suggesting everyone own some gold as part of their wealth, say 3-7%.

    and so it goes,


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