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T. Rowe Price: What's Ahead for the Economy and the Markets

edited January 2015 in Fund Discussions
12 Page Report:
“Looking ahead to 2015, we remain somewhat constructive on equity markets and more cautious on fixed income markets. We are mindful of risks in an environment where growth trajectories and central bank policies both seem to be decoupling.”
—Brian Rogers


EM Debt (I assume PREMX might work here)
"We also think that some (EM) bonds denominated in local currencies particularly strong value, although we are very selective about currency exposure. Local currency bonds lagged emerging markets debt denominated in dollars or euros in 2014. We anticipate that the trend toward dollar strength will continue in the near term, creating a potentially attractive entry point for locally denominated debt in the coming months. Emerging markets bonds still present strong value compared with the alternatives and can also have the advantage of relatively low sensitivity to changes in interest rates. We have noticed that institutional investors have been moving into the asset class. This influx of buyers who are more oriented toward the longer term should lend support to emerging markets debt. "


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