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Chuck Jaffe: Should You Buy Or Sell Energy Funds

edited January 2015 in The Bullpen
FYI: Joel B. from Toledo, Ohio, thinks he has held on to his oil and energy fund too long; fearing that oil prices could fall to below $40 a gallon, he wrote in an email recently that he’s ready to bail out.

Jack from Sarasota, Fla., meanwhile, thinks that falling oil prices haven't just put gasoline on sale at the pump, but have made energy stocks worth buying now. He wrote that he thinks it may be time to load up on oil stocks. Even if oil prices continue to fall, he reasoned in a note, he expects to profit in time when they revert toward $80 or more per gallon.

What was unusual about the two emails is not that they were received moments apart last week, but that they represent the place where investors are in the current decline in oil prices. Joel and Jack and many like them are in the middle of a debate that centers around a simple question: “What are you waiting for?”
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