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Top Performing China Funds: Back On Track ?

FYI: China region funds have outperformed the S&P 500 as well as foreign developed and emerging markets funds in the past 10 years.

The average China fund would have turned a $1,000 investment made on Dec. 31, 2004, into $27,979 by Jan. 7 this year, according to Morningstar data. Where would the same investment be in the broad U.S. stock market today?

Enlarged Graphic:


  • China warning from BofA. Attention grabbing headline.

    Bank of America warns of 'lethal' damage to China's financial system as deflation deepens
    'Deflation, Devaluation, and Default' loom in China this year. The denouement for Shanghai's bourse will not be pretty, says the US bank.

    By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard7:50PM GMT 08 Jan 2015
    China is at mounting risk of a financial crisis this year as growth sputters and deflationary pressures trigger a wave of defaults, Bank of America has warned.
    The US lender told clients that a confluence of forces are coming together that threaten to chill the speculative mania on the Shanghai stock exchange and to expose the underlying fragility of China’s $26 trillion edifice of debt.
    “A credit crunch is highly probable,” said the bank in a report entitled “Deflation, Devaluation, and Default”, written by David Cui and Tracy Tian.
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