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Fund Manager Focus: Thomas Atteberry, Manager, FPA New Income Fund

FYI:Portfolio manager Thomas Atteberry hates losing money.
“I lost $50,000 on the first house I ever owned,” he laments. That was in Dallas in the 1980s, when oil dropped to $10 a barrel from $32 and the housing market crashed. The wound left a permanent scar on Atteberry, 61, and is surely one of the driving forces behind his “never lose money” mantra as manager of the $5.9 billion FPA New Income fund. The bond fund makes a habit of underperforming Barclays Aggregate bond index, but importantly, it has never lost money in any year since 1984.

M* Snapshot Of FPNIX:

Lipper Snapshot Of FPNIX:

FPNIX Is Unranked In The (NB) fund Category U.S. News & World Report:


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