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  • Another down day indeed.

    2015...sinking out of the gate.
  • Did you mean "stinking"?:)
  • Ha! That too.

    So, if I remember, January sucked in 2014 too.

    Old_Skeet or someone even predicated a tough year based on first few days.

    In 2014, the dips just turned out to be head fakes...for the market overall.

    If only we could know in advance =).
  • 13 months is a long time in prison, its seconds for stock market holdings, take a few drinks,chill and call me in Nov.
  • Does Jim Cramer live in Florida? Just wondering.
  • edited January 2015

    So you are predicting an up year?

    I too am cautiously optimistic (even if it is politically incorrect).

  • We might break the streak today if the futures hold up. Oil was positive until a short while ago. Now in the $47 range.
  • @JohnChisum. That would make a nice new Wednesday. Fingers-crossed.
  • Optimism is my middle name, I never went into a business or purchased an Investment that I DIDN'T think I was going to make Money........Dido for 2015, thank you

    Ps. See my post on Oil and forget about its CURRENT pricing, enjoy the gas prices......
    it gives financial reporting something to talk about
  • edited January 2015
    Fortunately, on Wall Street, being optimistic means you will be right most of the time.

    Hope your forecast will be correct! To a positive 2015.
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