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Where I nearly went wrong in 2014

At the beginning of the year, I flirted with the idea
of selling some of my long position.
And again in October.

Almost bought gold.

Nearly allowed my brother-in-law to use my new car.

Immediately filled out my election mail-in ballot
but buried it under other paper work and
almost forgot to mail it.

I looked at… smelled… but almost didn’t taste tapenade.

Came this close to forgetting to buy a wedding anniversary card.

Almost fell for a click-bait headline in Politico.

Caught myself before believing that President Obama
had made an equitable deal with the totalitarian Castros.

Early in the season, I came close to selling some Bronco’s
playoff tickets.

Nearly forgot that my street is more important to me than Wall Street.


  • There is nothing like a good tapenade.
  • ALMOST didn't purchase Our IRAs early in the year so we could take advantage of a full year of gains & Dividends(plus all Tax Free) Love this Tax system...
  • Had no idea what tapenade is so looked it up..Olives capers etc (not a universally popular dish)
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