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Jeffery Gundlach's Surprising Forecast

FYI: (Click On Article title At Top Of Google Search)
It has been a magnificent year for both the stock and bond markets, even with the slight wobble in equity-market results in the last two trading sessions of 2014. But with the drop of the ball on the Year of the Horse, it’s time to look ahead to 2015.

And we could think of no one better to talk to than the widely acclaimed King of Bonds, Jeffrey Gundlach, who presides over the $64 billion asset-management complex DoubleLine. He is never shy in offering his opinion on all manner of securities in the U.S. and around the world


  • His Dec. 9 webcast is now available to all at
    That includes the forecasts. Well worth a listen. (1hr)
  • I wouldn't miss it! but tired (drinking) after Golf....When the man speaks listen and take notes....
    Forget EF Hutton and all the other morons in the business
  • The only surprising thing related to Gundlach's forecast is that the author finds it surprising rather than being surprised by the junk many others get paid a lot of OUR money for. I've only recently started paying some attention to Gundlach and I'm not sure I agree with all of his points, but I certainly wouldn't be surprised if he's right.
  • He's a kick.

    Will tune in as well to his market outlook briefing on 13 Jan.
  • Gotta respect His opinion (bummer), He's BEEN right too many Times, but I tend to lump all doomsayers in same hat, sooner or later they will be right....but they are wrong MOST of the time, and no backlash, they keep pitching and losing
    not ME; I'm going with "making money in 2015" ( Jeff will too) if adjustments necessary? a minor inconvenience...
  • Tampa, I really don't think of Jeff Gundlach as a doom & gloom type guy. I think he calls them like he sees them. I hold him in high regard unlike most talking head types, and in particular the doom and gloom crowd who is rarely ever right.
  • edited January 2015
    Don't know how one would conclude "doom and gloom" from his writings or presentations. Especially related to some of the real screamers we happen to stumble across from time to time.
  • edited January 2015
    Listening to Gundlach, I wish he would have gone into a bit more detail as to why he felt so strong about oil prices. I would have liked to hear his perspective. If I am not mistaken, $42 was the trigger point.
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