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Target-Date Funds: Twice As Popular Vs. 15 Years Ago

FYI: Many workers want to put their retirement accounts on autopilot.
That's the lesson from new data that show that recently hired plan members flock to balanced funds — which include target-date funds

Enlarged Graphic:


  • edited December 2014
    For some reason, Ted's link to his original article disappeared or became inoperative after I wrote a response. Not good. Here's the original article to which I was responding:

    The comparison is with 1998. That was an extraordinarily "euphoric" period for retail investors for many reasons. So, the rise in popularity of balanced funds in subsequent years doesn't surprise me.

    If I'm reading this article correctly, it's really about balanced funds "which include target-date funds" (quoting from article). I find this presentation a bit suspicious.

    That aside, it's unfortunate so called "target date" funds get lumped together at all by financial commentators like this one. They vary greatly in their approach to investing. If you want a good one, look to the fund family first. That's where it all starts with these things.
  • edited December 2014
    My wife uses Vanguard target Funds in her 401k, made 8% this year plus Company match (free) money.....not bad
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