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WHAT COLUMBUS MISSED: Royce Rediscovers India:

FYI: In 1492, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus set sail to
discover India. He missed his mark, however, landing in
America instead. The rest, as they say, is history—with the
exception that more than 500 years later India is still worthy of
discovery for many Western investors.
India is the world’s largest democracy and Asia’s third-largest
economy. With its rapidly growing middle class, India is also the
world’s third-largest economy measured by purchasing power
parity, and with a median age of just 25 years old, it will also
soon have a fi fth of the world’s working-age population.1 India’s
median age is 10 years younger than the U.S.’s and nine years
younger than China’s.2 This demographic dividend sets the
stage for growth.


  • David Nadel discussed India (updating this whitepaper from a year ago) on WealthTrack yesterday. That (brief) discussion starts at 13:30 in the video. He is joined by Kenneth Lowe (MAFSX, MACSX) in discussing three of the BRICs (excluding Russia).
  • @Ted - the value I added was to link (i.e. connect) the content of the links - that the video updated the paper. And Lowe (Matthews) added a second perspective on India in the video.

    In contrast, the Brazil paper you linked to is current. There was no supplemental information provided on Brazil in the video. Basically, it was just a Cliff notes version of the paper. (Even the information in the video about a particular Brazilian stock appears in the paper.)

    So my linking from the Brazil paper to the video would have added little value.

    I sometimes goof, but there's often a method to my madness. :-)
  • @msf:
    Merry Christmas !
  • If Columbus landed at St. Augustine Fl.(as reported) I'll bet he missed the Lazy
    Sands bar, corner of A1A and the beach.....but I didn't...many Sunday afternoons, Party Time in my late 20s&30s
  • India is a good long term holding for a small percentage of one's assets. With that said, I can sense a lot of investors will be chasing returns here. India can come back to earth just as fast as it went up. Load up on your Dramamine.
  • beebee
    edited December 2014
    MINDX has performed well over this year, but as @JohnChisum mentioned India funds have had a history of providing a roller coaster of a ride. This past year, MINDX has exhibited very little volatility as well as consistent upward momentum. As @Junkster has mentioned of his investment choices, MINDX has exhibited a movement over the past year that I believe he would call "strong upward momentum with very little volatility".

    I like to use MAPIX as my "safe harbor" (diversified fund for Asia exposure) so I chart MINDX against MAPIX to determine MINDX relative volatility. Over the last year MAPIX has moved sideways while MINDX provided a 60% gain.


    I am watching shorter charts of 1 & 3 months for higher volatility signals again using MAPIX as my indicator. The most recent 1 month chart indicates pretty similar movement compared to MAPIX.

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