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Top-Performing Midcap Funds

FYI: The performance of midcap-stock mutual funds has run a close second to small-cap funds' in the past 15 years.

Enlarged Graphics:


  • Ted...I don't recall there being such a variance in YTD performance of "top" funds in any main stream equity category.

    The divergence of YTD performance is fascinating.
  • Those are IBD's top mid cap funds?

    ACMVX is up 14.73% YTD according to M*. Guess they didn't pay enough to get mentioned.
  • @John Chisum: If I new where you lived, I'd send you a holiday greeting card. IBD only considered funds that were at least fifteen years old, ACMVX is only ten. You need a little work on graphic reading.
  • Why do you suppose NICSX is not listed?
  • NICSX's annualized 15 year return is 6.78% as of today (Dec 18th), well below SMCDX's 11.47% at the bottom of the linked chart. It's a fine fund, though I've wondered for several years how long A. Nicholas will keep going (he's worked in the industry since the 50s - okay, the late 50s).
  • d'oh! Thanks; I shoulda checked. Did not realize it was paltry.

    Also did not realize he was still so involved. Shoulda checked lots of things before suggesting.

    My late father suggested it to me in college or grad school 40+ years ago, and I held it for a while but then got impatient, d'oh.
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