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Ya got any funds, etf's, etc. that have surpised you to the good or bad side of investing?

edited December 2014 in Fund Discussions
Pretty crazy stuff recently related (supposedly) to oil pricing; and hopefully most are not getting their investment arse kicked with some of this. It is a very good time to review this or that fund or sector or stock to discover reactions over the past few weeks; and into the future, as needed. One fund that has been noted again recently is PQTIX PQTDX. On Dec. 10, yesterday; this fund closed down -3.5% and today, closed at +.35%. No, I don't know what this means for this fund.
*****Opps, my bad. PQTIX PQTDX had distributions on Dec. 10, yesterday.

scott noted about HYG in the oil thread. The below is my note regarding the high yield bond sector, in particular; the active managed funds.

As to your reference to HYG. This etf did have (have not checked for the past week) 18% of its composition involved in energy debt, so its price decline makes sense. The current nasty problem for those invested in high yield bond funds is: harmful or undesirable contact or influence; also know as contagion. This sector is taking a whack, too.
I have reviewed several hy bond funds where we have been invested previous; and the majority hold 5-8% directly related to the energy sector. Obviously, these small percentages have put downward pressure on the funds; but I suspect some of the downward price pressure is also tied to the down moves related to equity in general. Folks just moving away for now; although I sure would like to know where the monies are traveling.

Have you a good or bad surprise from any of your holdings, with the ongoing oil price melt?

Thank you and take care,


  • Looking at M* quote, PQTIX had almost 16% of the total portfolio in energy related investments.
  • edited December 2014
    I amended my statement about PQTIX; as there was a distribution on Dec. 10, yesterday.
    But, I will watch this fund, too; to find how it does with the overall market directions.
    This is Fido composition view for PQTIX.
  • I'm surprised at the Stock Market being up double digits in 2014.... after 30%+ increases in 2013..
    I used to tell my parents when I was a kid, I wanted "Surprises" for Xmas, I got them again this year....It's a wonderful "game"
  • edited December 2014
    I have to put AAPL on the list. It has done very well but this month has tried to give it all back. I haven't found out if it is rebalancing from funds etc that dropped the price or algo's or whatever. There has been no negative news.

    @catch22, I looked at the distribution date myself but didn't catch myself in this thread.
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