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One Of The Most Famous Rules Of Investing Might Be Totally Wrong

FYI: There is supposed to be one fundamental truth in investing: If you take on more risk, you can expect a bigger reward. With new research suggesting that things may not be so simple, investors may want to adjust their strategies—or at least their expectations—accordingly.


  • edited December 2014
    Who determines the "most"risky stocks and the "least" risky stocks, How do they measure that?, price fluctuations are not good...Most Good stocks fluctuate esp today's markets
    I can't think of anyone who could tell you the 25 "least" risky stocks? can you ?
  • Copied from the copy; " If you take on more risk, you can expect a bigger reward."

    The word can should be replaced with may. This statement is very misleading. Nothing is guaranteed.
  • @JohnChisum
    You saying that I to have to remove "that rule" from my list of investing rules?:)

    I just "may" do that; 'cause I "can".

    Hoping you are not in the pending weather path in that area.
    Take care,
  • We are just south of the path. Should be getting lots of rain this weekend.
  • @John Chisum: "We are just south of the path" And that would be ? You know a place not point of latitude and longitude. What's the big secret, are you running from the man ?
  • Apparently you have forgotten the last time I gave you coordinates.

    Stay warm and safe from bullets in Chicago.

  • "Stay warm and safe from bullets in Chicago"

    Generally, anything above the 5th floor is considered safe in such environments.
    (Learned this living near Detroit:)
  • Stray bullets are a parent's worse nightmare...Safest place for a kid to sleep is in a cast iron / steel bath tub. Sad, but true.
  • WE have stray cats in Florida....and a few stray kids that sleep anywhere, but I don't see bullets, but those stray Volley Balls are problem on the beach, till the girls chase them down....what were we talking about?...Oh "risk"
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