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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Cap Gains Valet and the MFO capital gains master list

There's interest here and in the financial media on this year's capital gains distributions. Following a general discussion earlier this evening (Black Friday), Charles and The Shadow collaborated on producing a master list of links to capital gains announcements, sorted by fund family name. If you just mouse-over the Resources tab, you'll see it. They're so good, it's scary.

As a supplement, I wanted to remind you of another non-commercial site, Mark Wilson's CapGainsValet. Mark's participated in our cap gains thread but also runs a site that links to c.g. estimate announcements. His plan is to maintain the site through January, then decide whether it's worth doing again next year. You might find it useful.

And, in response to several back channel requests, I've pinned the cap gains thread to the top of the board so that we don't lose track of it.

With gratitude to all involved,



  • Thanks for the plug! I noted my "thankfulness" for the help the MFO community has provided in my last e-newsletter (CVG News). Hopefully, that'll introduce a few folks to MFO.


    Mark Wilson, APA, CFP(r)
    Chief Valet
  • Ooo-la-la. That's pretty spiffy!
  • TedTed
    edited November 2014
    @MFO Members: I vote (X) Yes for The Shadow, I vote (X) No for CapGainsValet.Com.

    The Shadow has been doing the heavy lifting on both fund distribution, fund liqidations, and openings & closings. Nothing against Mark Wilson.
  • thanks Mark. nice looking site.

  • @ Recommend thread be closed.
  • @Ted

    I'm not sure if I get a vote, but I vote (X) YES for Shadow and (x) yes for


    Mark Wilson
This discussion has been closed.