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Flows Into Retailer ETFs Surge Ahead of Black Friday: The Linkster Likes

edited November 2014 in Fund Discussions
FYI: Investors are pumping gobs of money into retail stock exchange-traded funds ahead of the holiday shopping season, wagering that improving economic growth will translate into sales at the cash register. At the opening tomorrow, I'm going to take a small position in FSRPX.

M* Snapshot Of FSRPX:


  • edited November 2014
    Well, the drop in oil may - at least briefly - offset huge increases in healthcare/health insurance to the point where retail spending may be helped out this year.

    If you want to play retail, just buy a credit card company or two. Think how many people swiped their V, MA or AXP around the world in the time it takes you to post the links every day. Lots.
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