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Alternative to Morningstar X-Ray tool

Are there any good and free alternatives? Have been able to get Morningstar's tool to work all day.


  • Haven't tried it yet, so maybe?
  • I meant to say I haven't been able to get Morningstar's tool to work all day.

  • Old_Skeet
    9:42AM edited 9:42AM Flag

    It is about 10:40 EM EST as I write,

    In researching funds I am finding that Instant Xray is not working. I can input the ticker symbol and dollar amount and when I click on the Xray tab the screen will appear; however, there is no data to be found. I tried this will three funds PGBAX, ISFAX & CAPAX all with the same results ... no data.

    Hopefully, Moringstar will soon catch the gremlin that seems to running around within its data system.

    I have linked the data entry site below for those that would like to see if it perhaps works for you.

  • So, in playing with the CNN site, they seem to be just an ad for SigFig, which does internet asset allocation management.

    The tool has some of the stuff you get from M*, and a smattering of other stuff (the geographic breakdown map is cool), but XRay still works a little better.

    So you know, TD Ameritrade gives access to the full XRay tool with any account. You can just open one for free without funding it.
  • It is now about 1:30 PM EST as I write.

    Instant Xray is now working.

  • Thanks to all. @mrdarcey, I will check that out for future reference.
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