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In this Discussion

  • BobC November 2014
Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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An Early Look At The Contenders For Morningstar Fixed-Income Fund Manager Of The Year

FYI: These funds have shone in a year that's offered some surprises for bond-fund investors.


  • This is such a crock of horse feathers. As I mentioned in one of the other manager of the year threads, this has very little to do with how the funds did in 2014. By requiring a M* analyst rating, that eliminates about 80% of funds. Then you consider M*'s often mislabeling of fixed-income funds and how that affects their rankings. Case in point, OSTIX has terrific management, cautious and consistent strategy, buy was moved to the high-yield group earlier this year. As a result, it looks crappy when compared to true high-yield funds. There are many more travesties like this. As in their other 'manager of the year' announcements, the process is flawed and favors mostly funds with huge assets. The forced screen for analyst ratings is blatantly self-serving and means those doing the screening don't have to look at many funds. If this means few dollars will flow into OSTIX, GSDIX, LLDYX, and TSIIX, that is fine by me. These are great funds with great management.
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