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For Some Stock Pickers, Worst Showing In 10 Years

FYI: The pain keeps getting worse for stock pickers.
Just 18% of portfolio managers who focus on large-capitalization stocks are beating their benchmarks so far this year, according to research by Bank of America Merrill Lynch. That’s the worst showing for large-cap managers in a decade.


  • My not very profound comment is that at least in the case of a taxable large cap account the case for index funds is pretty compelling. Who wants to pay taxes on capital gain distributions especially involving short term trades
  • so far this year...
    It is important to look the performance or compounded return span over a full market cycle, I.e. 2008 to present. YTD return is another form of performance chasing.
  • edited November 2014
    In retirement now the chief reason I have so much with the Yackts is the comparatively shallowness of their dips, this year and historically, vs SPY and the rest.

    I also do wonder how much longer DSENX's secret rotational (?) sauce is going to work.

    Otherwise I would be all in SCHD, 'tis true.
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