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Trade Against a Self-Help Genius: Tony Robbin’s Recent Weather Portfolio

FYI: Tony Robbins is a self-help genius. He has sold millions of books that many people believe helped them realize their full potential. He understands the human psyche. As a motivational speaker, he knows what a person must do to overcome everyday struggles to “self-actualize,” and awaken the giant within. People love his seminars (although I suggest you skip the walking on hot coals part). His counsel is sought by athletes, rock stars, CEOs, hedge-fund managers, presidents, even Oprah.



  • "........I am now dubbing the Tony Robbin’s Recent Weather portfolio. It is akin to taking an umbrella today because it rained yesterday."

    "Jim is a quant extraordinaire, and his analysis confirms what I wrote earlier [2] this morning: This is a biased sample, form fitted to have done well over the past 3 decades. It is unlikely to do well over the next 3 decades."
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