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Are Single-Country ETFs Right For Your Investment Portfolio?

FYI: ETF investors have a plethora of ways to access international exposure in their portfolios, from single-country sector funds to broad-based global indices. From a flexibility standpoint, there has never been a better time to be an ETF investor with a global and liquid market at your fingertips.

However, with so many options at your disposal, narrowing down the field to attractive options can be daunting. To that end, a client recently asked me whether or not I felt single-country ETFs were an appropriate investment for his portfolio. My answer coincided with weighing the pros and cons that make these ETFs unique in their own right.


  • Only as a trading vehicle.
  • Single country ETFs and funds might give you the biggest bang for that particular country but in my opinion most people that invest in these single country products are chasing returns. India is the best example at this moment.

    I personally prefer regional investments for better diversification and a better risk profile.
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