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The New China

FYI: (Click On Article title At Top Of Google Search)
As the growth of China’s exports has slowed sharply in recent years, four nearby nations are benefiting handsomely. Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar have increased their exports by an impressive average of nearly 20% annually over the past four years, while China’s yearly export growth has been sliced by almost three-quarters, from 31% to just under 8%.
For residents of these four upstart nations, surging exports mean more jobs, more factories, and more money to spend. Little wonder that the average rate of economic expansion in these nations is rising, reaching 7.3% in 2013, versus 5.9% five years ago. At the same time, China’s growth has slipped from 9.6% to 7.7%.

Taken together, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar, along with their larger, more developed neighbor Thailand, are on their way to becoming The New China.
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