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Understanding The Proposed Bitcoin ETF: 5 Key Questions

FYI: One of the interesting aspects of any early stage innovation is that it is incredibly difficult to distinguish a breakthrough idea from a dud. At one point Twitter was considered a mere Internet curiosity, while the Segway was expected to revolutionize urban transportation. The proposed Bitcoin ETF is a classic case in point: If successful, it could make virtual currency trading more mainstream, which would be a breakthrough development. However, that success is currently not assured.


  • Doubt if this becomes mainstream.
    Islamic State wants to create its own currency
    By NABIH BULOS Copyright © 2014, Los Angeles Times
    'It remains unclear where the minting of the new coins will take place; the Islamic State is currently the target of a U.S.-led aerial bombing campaign. The group’s statement assured citizens that "several announcements" will be issued on how to obtain the coins.

    If its enemies have their way, however, the Islamic State’s proposed monetary instruments, if ever issued, will soon become collectors' items."
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