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Is Someone Scamming Vanguard Investors?

FYI: Phishing for emails and financial account numbers is a dastardly game that’s often played through email.

But some Vanguard investors with accounts at Vanguard Brokerage have received letters (real, honest-to-goodness snail-mail letters delivered by the U.S. Postal Service) that look like they are from Vanguard Brokerage, notifying them that automatic email delivery of shareholder materials, like annual reports from outside funds, has been suspended.

The letters then offer up a couple of website URLs, instructing the recipient to visit the site to re-enroll. One is called, and the other I’ve seen is


  • Don't see anything from Vanguard, but someone from Chase wanted my NEW address change, when I Called (not Chase) they wanted ALL my personal financial info. to stop any address changes (all BS). So I closed my chase account. Done with them...
    They wouldn't admit it but they knew of the email, and notified no one!
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