That's by far my least favorite trading adage. Probably because I always remember Livermore saying while you can't go broke taking a profit, you won't get rich doing so in a bull market. In other words, always let your profits run. And then as Darvas once said, when the trend changes, run like a thief. Still, will play the hypocrite here and since junk munis are severely overbought, think I will take 10% off the table today.
Edit: The whole thesis behind junk munis this year was shortage, shortage, and shortage of issuance and the fact an improving economy would help municipalities. That thesis may get revised if fears arise we won't be seeing an improving economy.
A problem of the privileged investor.
Congrats Junkster.
Keep doing what you do.
Edit 11:01 EST - Obviously the day is still young, but yesterday's early morning wild spike down in yields is looking more and more like some type of major bottom for bond yields.
But then a forecaster or predictor I'm not, so time obviously will tell.
I've also noticed that the end of day prices of VWALX and SNTIX are usually available much sooner after the market close than are the prices of other bond funds I follow like VWEHX, WHIYX, MWHYX, PONDX. and DLTNX, whose prices finally appear a few hours later.
Its a real inexact science on a day to day basis figuring out where the open end will be priced compared to what has occurred to the ETFs. As for time of day pricing yes, SNTIX is among the first to price but it's not hours later for the others. At least if you are using your brokerage account such as a Scottrade for the prices.