Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Though it has come early strictly in terms of age, the onset of my retirement is here. I'm more than ready. It was made official last week-end. It feels wonderful to have all that former stuff behind me. I'm celebrating, quietly. It is GOOD to be RETIRED. Amen.
Well, thank you! You've heard it said that 90% of everyone ends up working in positions we do not prefer and for which we did not study or train for. I hope your days are not filled with drudgery, and that there is some satisfaction for you in your occupation--- whatever you do to make (mere) money.
To make it relevant for fund discussions, the blockbuster drug Lipitor from PHE is coming out of patent protection soon. I would start gradually moving it to more diversified fund like YAFFX or YACKX.
Good for you Max. I think we are about the same age (57ish?) and I'll likely take a downsizing buy-out within the next 3 months or so. The once iconic company I work for is pretty much on it's last legs, at least in the segment I work for. So, after making it through 37 years with one company, 14 downsizings in the last 10 of those years, I'm ready to jump ship (as opposed to going down with the ship).
Hello, MikeM. Yes, 57. I was not downsized, just rubbing people the wrong way. Too many looked to this particular clergyman to BLESS the status quo. But the status quo is pretty screwed up. A particular fellow from Nazareth in the Galilee thought so too, way back when. I decided not to forsake HIM. The pension checks will taste good, anyhow.
To make it relevant for fund discussions, the blockbuster drug Lipitor from PHE is coming out of patent protection soon. I would start gradually moving it to more diversified fund like YAFFX or YACKX.
hope you'll stick around until 85s or 95 yrs old
Congratulations and good luck to you Max.