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Research Mutual Fund & ETF Newsletter . October 2014 edition . What to Overweight, What to Minimize

In this edition Dr. Tom Madell covers ... as quoted in his opening paragraph ...

"No matter what happens over the next year, or even decade, stocks continue to be the place to be for very long-term investors. However, this glosses over the question as to where investors may want to keep their money over less lengthy periods. If you think of yourself as this very long-term investor, you may not be particularly concerned if stocks don't do well from time to time. So long as you are able to keep focused on the long term, these temporary setbacks should not matter. But pullbacks can last far longer and drop far deeper than many investors may be prepared for, testing even the long-term investor's resolve."

What might one do ... click on the link and read more of the newsletter.


  • @Old_Skeet, Thanks for that link. Dr. Madell puts out a informative and comprehensive newsletter. It us an excellent read for anyone.

    In particular I was intrigued with his views on utilities. He recommends VPU but I have been watching some utilities funds on the idea that during bear market periods they tend to hold up better than most.

    Thanks again.
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