Not sure if linked before. Quite "Hussmanesque", so thinking not. manager of fund Martin Focused Value is 90% cash for last 2 odd years, and I'm guessing is 70+ year old. Thinking Frank K Martin will pass baton to son(?) Jay K Martin which does not say much one way or another for succession planning. I can't find anything in print - admittedly I looked for 1 minute only - that lends any credibility to Martin.
At least the website looks slick

Happy Labor Day,
In any case, my intent on posting the article was not to suggest this fund is worth it. It was purely for the content of the article. Shiller's WSJ OpEd in 2000 at the bottom of that link is especially telling. How Greenspam and Burnanke sleep at night is the 10th wonder of the world.
Happy Labor Day