Can someone please post a brief tutorial on how to use the below three buttons (red arrows) when posting? [Code; Image; URL buttons]
I have seen a couple of message boards that have "practice threads." On the practice threads, posters can practice using some of the tools, such as the three buttons above, attaching graphic images like the one I'm about to attach, etc. Might be good to have a practice thread at MFO.

Also, today I saw a post where the following words (in quotations) were a clickable link, "Japan, monetary policy and recession?" I've posted words as clickable links on another message board using HTML code. I have a feeling that the C button above can do that, but don't want to "practice" and mess up a post. Is that done by using standard HTML code, or the C button?
C is for computer code you don't want formatted of fixed space tabs. second red arrow is image thread
click on it and post an http link to your image
the third button above with red arrow is the url button - to add urls
hightlight the text as in "this is a test link pointing to your post"
below is test link pointing to your post
this is a test link pointing to your post
the fourth button is a quote >
Below is an internal link to the MFO User Guide found within the "Title Bar" under the heading of "Resources".
MFO User Guide
Check the index of the user guide (PDF file) and read through this. In particular, related to a URL link insertion that I have used here; which begins at page 18 of the guide.
I'm away for most of the day, but will check back later.
And do try a "test post", as noted by Accipiter.
Take care,
OK, I see what the second button from the right does, it just inserts the HTML code.
Then you just copy and paste the URL into the box provided by MFO. That's much easier than posting a link onto a Google blog......where you have to insert the HTML code.
Nice. Thanks Accipiter and Catch.
Let me work on the other two buttons next. Pretty clueless on the C button, even with Accipiter's explanation.
I'll work on the Image button first.
The current way that I use to insert a graphic image is to do a screen capture with Jing, then send it to and use their embed code.
I entered this in the MFO box that comes up when you click the image button:
Then MFO puts it into code:
Now, Post Comment
I've tried this a few times and the image from the website doesn't post.
Any ideas?
I go to the website and right click on the image, then click on properties to get the URL of the image.
I've also tried entering the URL of the webpage......same results.
Let me try with a graph from Morningstar
MFO has the word "undefined" in the box for the URL of the image. I tried removing that word, and also leaving it there......same result each time.
I've reviewed the correct way to find the URL of a graphic image using Internet Explorer (which is different than with Firefox, which is what the MFO Guide shows)
And read the MFO User Guide section on using the Image button
Accipiter, Catch, the URL button is very easy to use. Nice tool.
Can't get the Image button to post a graphic image [although Jing does an admirable job]; tried it multiple times with multiple tweeks of the method. Even tried using simple HTML, without success
I tried the Code button only a couple of times, and it just highlighted the text.
Safety in numbers
Glad to see your success with the URL. I have not used the "image" button; but that the "Jing" method provides a most suitable method.
As to the HTML, one may get as fancy as you may choose to take the time, i.e.; with bold, colors, etc.
Take care,
and this one from a railroad pictures site that I happen to be looking at:
and they both worked just fine.
Remember, for pics you don't copy the URL- you need to copy the image location.
By the way, that User Guide is quite out of date now, as MFO has morphed to a later version of Vanilla. Perhaps one of these days I'll revise that guide, but man, that was a lot of work!
.....But then the receiver needs to click on the link to get the pic. Gabby Giffords--- beautiful AND strong--- doing her duty, in the faces of the Tea Party dolts.
to me it is alot easier to see full link url visible, and I prefer it on forums, unless you are creating a web page. In a discussion, it is easier to spot and see where your are going then hovering mouse over a pretty link here or there
to each his own, gets you to the same place.
no you are not using a link to an image.
e.g. notice the above post image ends in jpg and is an actual link to an image.
right click on an image and copy the link and paste into the popup after you click the image icon
cut and paste the above image link into the popup that appears after clicking on the button immediately to the right of the big C and it will work.
NOW I'm stumped. Where did ALL of the editing buttons go...?????
that will be probably be fixed on the next upgrade. month or two probably.
When you click on the "image" button at the top of a new post, it brings up Accipiter's magic box. You simply paste that image location ( into the box. Not to depreciate the magic box, but all that it actually does is to add this stuff:
<img src="
before your image location, and" />
after your image locationand sticks it all together to give you:
<img src="" />
If, as some have mentioned, you simply get the word "image" instead of the desired picture, either you did something silly or (I've noticed) a few pictures simply won't work using this approach... something about the way in which the pic was embedded in the original site, I'm guessing.
>it brings up Accipiter's magic box.
this trick of prestidigitation is not mine (it is part of forum software) , although, i've been known to do a few tricks. "sit" is one of them. haven't learned "paw" yet.
>some pictures simply won't work using this approach.
they might have preventions where you can't post their images on another site.
Let's see if the ones I tried multiple times (prior posts, above) from Morningstar and the Wall Street Journal work
Here's the Morningstar graph of Pimco Total Return. Note that the graphic image does not have one of the endings [file extensions] that Accipiter noted, jpg, png, jpeg, or gif:
So I'm doubtful it will work, but here goes:
Now one from the Wall Street Journal:
This also does not have a file extension typical of a graphic image, jpeg, etc
I'll click the image icon on MFO:
Here's one from that does have a file extension of a graphic image, gif
I'm guessing this will work with the MFO image icon.
A bit of speculation, but I think that if the graphic image has a file extension ["ending"] of a typical graphic image, e.g., gif, png, jpg, jpeg, then it will probably work with the MFO tool. If not, it won't work. Pure speculation.
Let's try the wellsfargoadvisors one:
unless the remote site prevents the image from being displayed
But I'm noticing now that a lot of graphic images on Morningstar, Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance and elsewhere do not have file extensions ["endings"] that appear to work with the MFO tool.
A question for you: If you are using a browser other than Firefox, can you advise me what the process is for acquiring the image address? When/if I revise the MFO User Guide that would be good info to have.