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Q&A With Marc Faber, aka, Dr Doom

FYI: They call him Dr. Doom, and he likes that label just fine. It also fits with the renowned Swiss investor’s unwavering belief that U.S. stock markets are headed for a 30% decline sooner or later.


  • edited July 2014
    The problem is he has been saying it for like 50 years !!!

    Just like I keep telling my wife one day I will grow hair. I really will one day I'm sure of it. IT is just that it when it does happen I will not find my comb.

    So time will tell. One statement Faber makes I agree with though. "once in your lifetime you will be right is true of everyone". And he is just following that. One day he will be right. If we keeps saying it often enough, maybe people will only remember the last time that he said it, which will probably be worth a few billion dollars of assets under management.

    It's all good.

    One thing I want to know though. "Renowned Swiss Investor". Forget the Cheese. Someone tell me what he is renowned for? Always claiming the sky is falling?
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