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Chuck Jaffe: Think Twice Before You Invest In A Bear-Market Fund

FYI: dDoomsayers, the guys who believe that every breakthrough is one step closer to a turning point.

As a result, a raft of prognosticators has come out in the last few weeks saying to expect everything from a mild downturn (buying opportunity) to a reason to protect profits and move to cash to a looming decade of financial pain and misery.

It’s enough to get investors thinking about buying a bear-market fund

The Average Bear Market fund Returns YTD-One Year-Three Years Five Years:

YTD: -(9.77) %
1. -(26.02)%
3. -(23.72)%
5. -(28.30)%
M* Bear Market Fund Returns;$FOCA$BM.aspx


  • I think chances are now high for a market correction of 60%. I think next buying opportunity is 2017.

    Lest anyone asks I have right to pull out stuff from my behind just like anyone else. I can point to S&P 500 returns for last 5 years and say it always pays to be fully invested in the market.

    Now let me go find out what a "bear market fund is". If its HSGFX, maybe I should buy more. If it is BEARX, I need to think.
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