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You May Want to Ignore the 'Next Big Thing' in Mutual Funds

edited June 2014 in Fund Discussions
FYI:The only thing stopping a tidal wave of new issues has been the Securities and Exchange Commission, but there’s a growing sense that the dam will burst soon and that a flood of new active exchange-traded issues will reach the market by year’s end as a result.


  • I don't pay attention any longer to the Top 40 on AM radio, nor read anything on NYT best seller list... The newest fads always pass me by. Eventually, I might get to them. Or not.
  • My goodness, Crash, there's two of us! Maybe even three- I'm guessing that Maurice might be another.:-)
  • I'm not a big fan of all these fads either, but somehow this just seems like a twist on closed end funds, in which case I don't imagine I'll be involved in this one either.
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