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Size of comment block

edited June 2014 in Technical Questions
oh my goodness, what the hell did I just do? when I started my comment (see VintageFreak-initiated discussion re. Global Balanced), I think I hit Ctl and something else instead of Shift @, and the size of the comment window was instantly quadrupled. Since I didn't know what I'd hit, I couldn't get it to go back to appropriate size. I went ahead, typed my comment and posted it, as is.

Help--- it looks/I feel ridiculous/stupid!:)


  • If by chance you accidentally pressed Ctrl +, then pressing Ctrl - will make it better.
  • Well, that didn't take care of it, but then I noticed, waaaaaaay down in the lower L-hand corner, the number "2". Is it possible to write 2 pages of comment? Perhaps, so I put cursor at the end of the last line of text, and hit Delete---again and again and again and... o.k, you get the drift. Eventually the rest of page 1 lines "cleared," and the bottom of the comment window lifted back up to me.

    Whatever keystrokes I hit, it meant, "oh just forget the rest of page 1; go on and create page 2." I have no idea what those strokes would have been. Maybe I'll find out some day. Silly computers.
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