Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
I have considered doing the same with some of my writes; and perhaps others would have preferred the same.........:):):)
Hoping your homestead didn't get blown away or otherwise with the recent, wicked little weather front. I am sure there were some big waves breaking along the coast.
Hi Catch. Haven't seen anything by you or anyone else needing to be deleted. In this case was a satirical spoof on economy from the Onion site. Unfortunately, a menu of some of their other spoofs came along for the ride. Mostly good stuff but one crossed the line so axed whole thing.
Yep, hefty winds in northern part state several days now. Fortunately, pulled MOTORBOAT out for season on a nice 70 degree day week ago. Take care and keep them posts comin.
An ultimate complex situation exists when; a "biker" walks into the local dealer's service shop and asks, "How, much might it cost to have some ENGINE work done on his/her MOTORcycle."
Actually, all of this foolishness just illustrates, yet again, the complete inconsistency of our native tongue. I see motorboats going by our house on the Russian River with electric motors- and some of those boats used for fishing have both internal combustion and electric motors (for trolling). During the summer there are a couple of real beauties with old-fashioned inboards- 356 Chevies, I think- water cooled with no mufflers and certainly no computerized crap telling the engine what to do. Really fun to watch one of those things.
When I was in the Coast Guard, not one of our boats had a motor- they ALL had engines, although the electric bilge pumps all had motors. Motorized bicycles typically have a small internal combustion engine. Go figure.
Question re "motor semantics"- When I was a kid all of my Irish relatives here in SF referred to automobiles as either "cars" or, most often "machines"- hardly ever did they refer to either autos or automobiles. Anyone else have that experience?
I have considered doing the same with some of my writes; and perhaps others would have preferred the same.........:):):)
Hoping your homestead didn't get blown away or otherwise with the recent, wicked little weather front. I am sure there were some big waves breaking along the coast.
Take care up there,
Yep, hefty winds in northern part state several days now. Fortunately, pulled MOTORBOAT out for season on a nice 70 degree day week ago. Take care and keep them posts comin.
An ultimate complex situation exists when; a "biker" walks into the local dealer's service shop and asks, "How, much might it cost to have some ENGINE work done on his/her MOTORcycle."
When I was in the Coast Guard, not one of our boats had a motor- they ALL had engines, although the electric bilge pumps all had motors. Motorized bicycles typically have a small internal combustion engine. Go figure.
Question re "motor semantics"- When I was a kid all of my Irish relatives here in SF referred to automobiles as either "cars" or, most often "machines"- hardly ever did they refer to either autos or automobiles. Anyone else have that experience?