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I see that one of Romick's new holdings is Jardine Matheson Holdings, a company Scott has spoke highly of in the past. FPACX has been my largest core holding for many years now.
Blitzer, Bitzer--- I just don't see the difference.
@Ted You are too generous. But at least, with a conservative est. of appreciation, Bitzer can rest a little easier, knowing the cost of his coffin will be covered (a very nice wooden box, provided inflation can be kept in check... and fat chance of that happening )
I see that one of Romick's new holdings is Jardine Matheson Holdings, a company Scott has spoke highly of in the past. FPACX has been my largest core holding for many years now.
Hmmmmmm.... that is quite interesting and I do really like Romick/Crescent. Jardine remains one of my top 10 holdings, although I own the parent (Jardine Matheson, not Strategic), which offers a higher dividend that I reinvest (I don't believe I can reinvest divs for Strategic.) I really have no intent of selling, I see it as a 10+ year holding and really don't ponder the day-to-day movements. The company has been around since the 1830's and is something of an Asian Berkshire Hathaway.
Wood Shed:
@Ted You are too generous. But at least, with a conservative est. of appreciation, Bitzer can rest a little easier, knowing the cost of his coffin will be covered (a very nice wooden box, provided inflation can be kept in check... and fat chance of that happening