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Anyone heard of this before? It strikes me as somewhere before intriguing and a terrible idea.


  • edited June 2014
    Haven't you noticed? Neologisms (esp. nonsensical) are all the rage lately.
    Because weather? "Your algorithms, trading live," indeed; sounds like a terrific strategy for self-vaporization!
    Judge: I accept your guilty plea, but could you at least tell us why you did it?
    Computer: Oh, that's easy; once I had his algorithms, the human was no longer essential to the endeavor.
  • As an aside, I actually have a friend that works there.

    I wouldn't worry about it -- using the platform requires a good amount of technical sophistication (i.e. programming) that most people don't have.
  • I've been reading some of the codes, they're a bit above my python knowledge, but thats my weakest language I actually have experience with. One of my worries would be that someone would publish a popular piece of code and then have a personal code that front runs it.
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