Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
"Traveling this weekend could be costlier than last year, says AAA. At around $169 per night, you would have to pay $3 more for a hotel room compared to last year. Similarly, the average cost of a round-trip plane ticket will increase from $215 to $227 this year. At $44 a day, car rentals will experience an increase of 1% compared to last year. However, personal income has increased by 3.4% from last year and so the rise in prices should not be a deterrent to travelers."
"In summary, best guess is that any anomalous U.S. stock market behavior around Memorial Day is slight strength one trading day after the holiday, along with extra variability for that day."
Reply to @Ted --- Well Sir, I see you jumped way out in front on the timing. Dunno about that! I will change my caption to reference my other link. But, I'll leave the duplicate link also - just in case anyone missed yours.
Hope that's agreeable. Hope your Memorial Day Weekend is going swell. Regards
I will change my caption to reference my other link. But, I'll leave the duplicate link also - just in case anyone missed yours.
Hope that's agreeable.