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edited May 2014 in Off-Topic
Morningstar had moved the 52-week high and low numbers to the "Chart" page for each fund. Where did it disappear to? I notice also that an actual date for the most recent portfolio owned by the various funds have been removed. I understand that it's always been a bit stale........ When there are upgrades or downgrades or news about a fund, it appears via clickable links on the right. One of my funds shows: "No datas available." Pluralizing a plural. Yes, I am the self-appointed grammar police. That stinks. My hunch is that M* has folks working on those pages these days whose 5th language is English, maybe, on some other planet. Cheaper labor.


  • Crash said:

    Morningstar had moved the 52-week high and low numbers to the "Chart" page for each fund. Where did it disappear to? I notice also that an actual date for the most recent portfolio owned by the various funds have been removed.

    I just checked the portfolio sections and specific holdings on three of my funds.
    There is an actual date for the most recent portfolio in all cases, and the most recent portfolio date is listed multiple times, in multiple sections.

    I've never looked for the 52-week high and low on a mutual fund, so not sure where to look for that.

  • Thanks for the reply. Yes, you can click to the top 25 holdings portfolio page, but I meant the snapshot page which shows the top 5 holdings. :(
  • OK. On that snapshot page, the "Quote" tab, I see the top 5 holdings and there is no portfolio date. But if I go below that, to the Top Sectors, it does have the Portfolio Date there. Do you see that too?
  • Ok, THANK you. I see it.
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