Tocqueville Asset Management
By Francois Sicart
April 10th, 2014
"Thirty years of “suppressed” interest rates, as economists say to describe the central banks’ aggressive role in reducing and almost eliminating financing costs in the economy, must have been addictive. All our instincts and economic reflexes are now unconsciously geared to this misleading environment and, for investors who have no experience pre-dating the early 1980s, it would take an exceptional imagination to picture what it was like to invest in an environment of high and rising inflation, high and rising interest rates."and,
“it shouldn’t take you too long to figure out that success in investing is not a function of what you buy. It’s a function of what you pay."Investment_Success_Often_Depends_On_Choosing_the_Right_Investment_Horizon
Investment success always depends on being lucky enough to be in a rising bull market for enough years to make more than enough to care what happens after that.
IMO, there is still a lot of economic baggage laying about in many places.